On Friday we had a sport session with a women named Lorene, “she is the lady that's going to teach as how to play badminton” Miss M said, badminton it was a sport that I have not herd before. As room 17 started was walking as a line down the breeze to the hall I felt so nerves because I didn't no what to.As room 17 sat down in a semi circle, I saw allot of small and long rackets that nearly looked like tennis rackets, and the Badminton shuttles they had what looked like bird feathers .After that I saw Lorene pop out of the door then a got really nerves but the first task we did was a back hand It felt hard because that was the first time Ive done it before, It got a bit sample when I got to practiced. I liked my time at Badminton cunt Wait for next Friday.
New Zealand Is a beautiful country and a must-do for any travel Holiday.In our country there are nice Idyllic Islands with nice lush rain forests with beautiful stunning coastlines.Also there are nice vibrant cities with nice sophisticated restaurants.New Zealand has a spectacular and diverse landscape, and temperate climate.Did you know that New Zealand is complete surrounded by ocean and coastlines? In Auckland we are known for a lot of volcanoes like dormant active and existent,we have over 50 or 47 volcanoes. Also in New Zealand we have allot of native things like bush's and trees.